Online course: Which risks do the insurers on Wealth Management Advisors run? In which sphere? Is the insurance mandatory for a Wealth Management Advisor?
Charlotte ROGER
Charlotte ROGER had the pleasure to host an online course about «Which risks do the insurers on Wealth Management Advisors? In which sphere? Is the insurance mandatory for a Wealth Management Advisor?».
We warmly thank all the participants of this course!
«Best Lawyers» award in terms of insurances
Françoise HECQUET, Jean-Marie PREEL
Françoise HECQUET and Jean-Marie PREEL have been distinguished as «Best Lawyers» in terms of Insurances. The law firm sincerely thanks its clients and counterparts for their support.
Congratulations to all the members of the law firm without whom this wouldn’t be possible!
IAP and AJIAP Paris Assure’s event
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is proud to announce its partnership on the occasion of the fourth edfition of PARIS ASSURE event, organised by the Institut des Assurances of Paris – Panthéon Sorbonne (IAP) and the AJIAP (Association des Juristes de l'Institut des Assurances de Paris). This event will reunite students and young graduates of the courses in Insurance Law of Paris in order to exchange about their fields of competence and to develop their professional network.
Webinar : When to act against its manufacturer/supplier?
Charlotte ROGER, Romain BRUILLARD
Romain BRUILLARD and Charlotte ROGER hosted a new webinar dedicated to the judgements about the deadline applicable to actions in guarantee of hidden defects. Those succeed themselves and do not look alike which shows the important differences between the chambers of the Court of Cassation.
A Green New Deal for Europe : Progressive prohibition of many chemical substances
PHPG law firm
Find the article published on LinkedIn commenting the new list of thousands of toxic chemical substances that will progressively be forbidden in the EU, that was presented on April the 25th of 2022 by the European Commission.
Participation in the symposium of St Yves
Françoise HECQUET
Me Françoise Hecquet participated to the symposium focusing on the theme «Is the justice still human?».
Intervention at the XIth symposium in the house of chemistry
Françoise HECQUET
Me Françoise HECQUET was very honored to have taken part in the XIth symposium in the house of chemistry organized by the CNB and the National Counsel of judicial experts, that focused on the theme «the secrecy-proof evidence».
Symposium in the House of the students of the Ecole Polytechnique
Françoise HECQUET
Me Françoise HECQUET participated in the symposium about «Artificial Intelligence applied to litigations».
Ranking in Le Point Magazine
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is proud to figure, once again, in the ranking of the best law firms intervening in insurance law of Le Point Magazine.
We are keen to thank our clients for their trust and our teams for their commitment.
Legal 500 Ranking
PHPG Law Firm is proud to announce you that Françoise HECQUET, Romain BRUILLARD and Cécile TIBERGHIEN have been nomitated in the ranking of The Legal 500!
Les Décideurs Magazine Ranking
PHPG law firm
PHPG law firm has been renowned «Excellent» by Les Décideurs Magazine -Groupe Leader League-, in the category «Promotion & Construction – Litigation of Construction (including insurances)».
The law firm is keen to thank its whole team and its clients for their trust and their work that has, once again, been rewarded.
Legal 500 Ranking
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is ranked, this year, by the Legal 500 (Legalease) Tiers 1 in the construction law and Tiers 3 in insurance law.
Legal consultations with the CNB in the Paris Salon de l’Agriculture
Claudia DE OLIVEIRA had the pleasure to offer her expertise at the Paris Salon de l’Agriculture for any judicial question, notably in terms of sales channel, distribution.
Webinar: Works submitted and not submitted, which works? What consequences?
Charlotte ROGER, Romain BRUILLARD
Romain BRUILLARD and Charlotte ROGER hosted a new webinar dedicated to « works submitted and not submitted ».
In thirty minutes, they established a synthesis of the jurisprudential news in this area:
- What are the works concerned?
- What consequences?
- What guarantees and regimes of responsibility?
Judgement of the lower court obtained by the law firm
Find the decision of the lower court obtained by the law firm and commented by Romain BRUILLARD in the article of Éloïse Haddad Mimoun, on the Blog Predictice.
29th encounter of the risk management
Charlotte ROGER, Romain BRUILLARD
Me Françoise HECQUET, Me Jean-Baptiste PAYET-GODEL, Me Charlotte ROGER and Me Romain BRUILLARD were present at the 29th encounter of risk management in Deauville on february the 2nd to february the 4th.
Reform of the CAT/NAT regime
PHPG law firm
Find the article published on LinkedIn commenting the reform of the CAT/NAT regime of December 28th of 2021.
New office: PHPG – Centre-Val de Loire
PHPG law firm
As part of its growth, PHPG has the pleasure to announce you the opening of its first office in Regions: PHPG – Centre-Val de Loire!
Charlotte ROGER, senior partner co-responsible of the Insurance/Construction’s pole, will be intrusted of its development with the help of the parisian teams of the law firm.
Therefore, PHPG – Centre- Val de Loire will be able to interfeer in terms of industrial risks, insurance, construction, action for bodily damages.
Webinar: Works in the meaning of the 1972’s Code, which criteria? What are the jurisprudential news?
Charlotte ROGER, Romain BRUILLARD
In thirty minutes, Charlotte ROGER and Romain BRUILLARD underlined the criteria to identify works that have to do with a ten-year guarantee.
New works, Works on existing, latest handed down judgements … They discussed the entirety of these questions.
EFE – Edition Formation Entreprise : Construction Day
Romain BRUILLARD hosted the construction days organized by the EFE – Edition Formation Entreprise with David DEGUILLAUME.
Webinar: Subrogation traps to avoid
Charlotte ROGER, Romain BRUILLARD
Charlotte ROGER and Romain BRUILLARD hosted the webinar of PHPG Law firm on the theme : Subrogation traps to avoid !
They mentioned the jurisprudential news of the subrogation and shared the difficulties they most usually encounter in their cases in terms of subrogation.
29th ACE Congress in Marseille : The insurance of the operating losses
Charlotte ROGER
During the annual Congress of the ACE – Lawyers, Together, Charlotte ROGER, Co-President of Insurance law and Banking law’s Commission of the ACE, has had the pleasure to host the “ Insurance of the operating losses”’ workshop along with de Valérie MORALES, Bruno LUCIANI, Amaury AYOUN et Grégory MOUY, in the Palais du Pharo in Marseille.
Charlotte had notably mention the futur of operating losses’ insurance, following the exceptional events that occured these last years, which overturned the appreciation of this risk for insurers.
Annual symposium
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law firm has organized its annual symposium in the America Latina’s House.
Case law reversal over time
Find the article published in “L’Argus de l’assurance” written by Me Romain BRUILLARD commenting the Court of Cassation judgment rendered on May 19, 2021.
Webinar: Duty to advise and liability
Françoise HECQUET, Charlotte ROGER
Me Françoise HECQUET and Me Charlotte ROGER hosted a webinar as part of the UNAPL ILE DE FRANCE Thursdays devoted to liberal professions and the duty to advise.
How to prove legal subrogation?
Find the article published in “L’Argus de l’assurance” written by Me Romain BRUILLARD commenting the Court of Cassation judgment rendered on May 20, 2021.
Les Décideurs Magazine Ranking
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law firm is happy to be ranked again by Les Décideurs Magazine in three categories in terms of industrial risks and liability litigation.
The firm is considered indispensable in matters of “insurance claims and litigation.” It is also considered to have a strong reputation in terms of “regulatory & insurance, reinsurance” and “product liability”. A huge thank you to our customers for their trust and congratulations to our team who see their work rewarded.
Commitment to culture
PHPG law firm
PHPG law firm has just participated in the crowdfunding of a movie entitled “Quand on aime, il faut partir”. This is the second project of two young film enthusiasts.
Webinar: Shortage and rising cost of materials
Romain BRUILLARD, Charlotte ROGER
Romain BRUILLARD and Charlotte ROGER hosted a new webinar on the legal consequences of soaring prices and shortage of materials especially in the construction industry. They discussed about the strategies to be put in place in the face of these exceptional circumstances.
- Can the client be forced to bear part of these additional costs?
- Can the company escape its liability in the event of a delay?
Obtention of the mediator diploma by Jean-Maire PREEL
Jean-Marie PREEL
PHPG Law Firm is proud to announce that Jean-Marie PREEL obtains the “médiateur” (mediator) degree delivered by the IFOMENE in association with the Bureau de Paris.
Jean-Marie PREEL Who’s Who Legal Ranking
Jean-Marie PREEL
The firm is proud to announce that Jean-Marie PREEL is named in the “France Insurance & Reinsurance” category of Who’s Who Legal guide. Jean-Marie PREEL is highlighted as a pilar of the French insurance market, with considerable experience across professional and civil liability proceedings”.
Legal 500 Ranking
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is proud to appear in the Legal 500 ranking, in the first tier in construction law (Know more) and third tier in insurance law. (Know more)
The firm thanks its dedicated team and its clients for their trust.
What’s new in warranty exclusion?
PHPG law firm
During this webinar, Me Romain BRUILLARD and Me Charlotte ROGER discussed case law news about warranty exclusion provisions.
Ranking in Le Point Magazine
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is proud of being once again recognized by Le Point magazine in its 2021 list of law firms specializing in the insurance field.
Parametric insurance: user’s guide!
Find the article published in “L’Argus de l’assurance” by Me Romain BRUILLARD focusing on parametric insurance.
Exclusion clauses: The uncertain application of the formal and limited character
Charlotte ROGER
Find the article published in “L’Argus de l’assurance” Magazine written by Charlotte ROGER, about the uncertain application of the formal and limited character of warranty exclusion clauses.
Ranking of PHPG Law Firm by Décideurs Magazine
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law Firm is proud to have been recognized as “Excellent” by Décideurs Magazine, in the “Promotion and Construction – Building contention” category.
The firm thanks its clients and its teams for their trust and their work.
Webinar: Should a contractor refuse to perform work that they know to be inefficient?
PHPG law firm
During this webinar, Me Romain BRUILLARD and Me Charlotte ROGER discussed whether unless held liable, a contractor is required to perform inefficient work. Me Charlotte ROGER hold the affirmative thesis, while Me Romain BRUILLARD defend the opposite thesis.
In search of the competent judge in public construction
Find the article published in “L’Argus de l’assurance” Magazine written by Me Romain BRUILLARD focusing on the distribution between judicial and administrative jurisdictions in construction law.
2021 – Training Year!
PHPG law firm
PHPG Law firm is digitalizing its legal mornings in the form of 30-minute webinars. Each month, we will comment on a recent judgment rendered by the Court of Cassation or the Conseil d’Etat or discuss a current issue in insurance law, construction law or civil liability.
We are expecting many of you on February 9 at 9:30 am for the first morning session, which will have the following theme: Should an entrepreneur refuse to perform work that he knows ineffective?
This first webinar will be hosted by Charlotte ROGER and Romain BRUILLARD. You can register now at the following address: – Please note that the number of places is limited.
Legion of Honor
Françoise HECQUET
PHPG Law firm is proud to announce that Me Françoise HECQUET has been appointed to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor. This distinction rewards her associative commitments and her investment with lawyers.
Election to the National Bar Council (CNB)
Françoise HECQUET
PHPG Law firm congratulates Me Françoise HECQUET on her CNB election for the 2021-2023 term. This election allows her to extend her commitment to our colleagues after her term on the Paris Bar Council.
Construction days organized by the EFE
Me Romain BRUILLARD hosted alongside Mr David DEGUILLAUME one of the two days devoted to current events in construction law as part of a training course delivered by the EFE.
COVID-19, restaurateurs, and operating losses
Charlotte ROGER
Me Charlotte ROGER, President of the Banking Law and Insurance Law Commission of ACE and Valérie MORALES, President of the Business Contracts Commission, hosted a videoconference on the theme "COVID-19, restaurateurs, and operating losses,", alongside of Me Guillaume AKSIL, Council of restaurateurs, and Clarisse BREANT, Director of CB Financial Evaluation.
Speech at the Paris Bar Conference
Françoise HECQUET
Me Françoise HECQUET and Me Emmanuel PIERRAT intervened as moderators during the conference organized by the Paris Bar as part of the 6th anniversary of the “Grande Bibliothèque du Droit”. The theme of the conference was "Justice put to the test of media communication".
Intervention during ACE congress
Charlotte ROGER
Me Charlotte ROGER intervened alongside Me My-Kim YANG-PAYA and Me Thierry ABALLEA during the ACE congress on the theme “Society with a mission: virtue without risks?”
Ranking of PHPG Law Firm by Décideurs Magazine
Jean-Marie PREEL, Françoise HECQUET, Jean-Baptiste PAYET-GODEL
Décideurs Magazine ranked PHPG Law Firm as:
- “Unmissable” in the field of industrial risks and insurance litigation - know more
- “Strong reputation” in the field of product liability - know more
- “Excellent” in construction law - know more
The firm thanks its clients and its teams for their trust and their work.
Best Lawyers Ranking
Jean-Marie PREEL, Françoise HECQUET
The firm is distinguished in the 11th edition of Best Lawyers France in the field of insurance.
Appointment of Me Romain BRUILLARD as partner
PHPG law firm
After six years within the firm, Me Romain BRUILLARD was appointed partner on July 1, 2020. Romain BRUILLARD is a specialist in insurance law, construction law, civil liability, and industrial risks.
Ranking in Le Point magazine
PHPG law firm
The firm was once again recognized by Le Point magazine in its 2020 list of law firms specializing in the insurance field.
This new ranking rewards the commitment of an entire team in the search for excellence in the service of the firm's clients.
The Court of Cassation, at the bedside of the third-party victim
Charlotte ROGER
Find the article published in the Insurance Argus of May 29, 2020 written by Me Charlotte ROGER, analysing the well-known judgment rendered by the Plenary Assembly of the Court of Cassation on January 13, 2020, deciding that a third-party to a contract may, on the basis of tort, invoke a breach of contract, if the latter caused him a damage.
What is the probative value of a non-judicial expertise?
Find the article published in the Insurance Argus of August 28, 2020 written by Me Romain BRUILLARD, analysing a judgment rendered on May 14, 2020 relating to the scope of the report redacted by a party's expert.
Tourism ordinance: are its provisions mandatory?
Françoise HECQUET, Claudia DE OLIVEIRA
Find the article published in the “Journal du management juridique” of April-May 2020, page 52, written by Me Françoise HECQUET and Me Claudia DE OLIVEIRA, analysing the mandatory nature of the provisions of ordinance No. 2020-315 of 25 March 2020 called “Tourism Ordinance”.
Legal 500 Ranking
PHPG law firm
PHPG law firm is proud to appear in the Legal 500 ranking, in the first tier in construction law (know more) and third tier in insurance law (know more).
The firm tanks its dedicated team and its clients for their trust.
Force majeure and epidemic, what does case law say?
Find the article published in the Insurance Argus of March 23, 2020 written by Me Romain BRUILLARD, analysing the case law relating to the existence of a case of force majeure in the presence of an epidemic.
When to sue the co-responsible in construction law?
Find the article published in Insurance Argus dated March 12, 2020, in which Me Romain BRUILLARD analyses two judgments rendered on January 16, 2020 specifying the limitation rules applicable in matters of recourse between manufacturers as well as to the subcontractor.
Ranking of PHPG Law Firm by Décideurs Magazine
PHPG law firm
The firm was once again distinguished by the magazine Décideur, in the “construction litigation” category.
The firm would like to thank its entire team and its clients for their trust and their work once again rewarded.
Duration of the guarantee and disappearance of the clause
Find the article published in the Insurance Argus of February 14, 2020 written by Me Romain BRUILLARD, analysing a judgment rendered on December 5, 2019 recalling that the insurer cannot limit its guarantee to a time less than the liability of the insured.
Construction days organized by the EFE
Me Romain BRUILLARD hosted, alongside Mr. David DEGUILLAUME, one of the two days devoted to construction law news as part of a training course delivered by the EFE.
The PHPG law firm is officially rated by Legal 500 and Chambers
Jean-Marie PREEL, Françoise HECQUET, Jean-Baptiste PAYET-GODEL
PHPG law firm is referenced with Legal 500 in Insurance Law and Commercial and Business Litigation. Its lawyers' professionalism and availability and their strong knowledge of engineering businesses are notable.
PHPG law firm is also distinguished by Chambers in Insurance Law due to its understanding of all aspects of that area of practice.
Contract law: new illegal clauses have emerged
In l'Argus de l'Assurance's issue dated December 15th, 2016, the firm published an article on illegal terms and conditions and the consequences of new contract law requirements after the February 10th, 2016 Order regarding the modifications of the Civil Code that entered into force on October 1st, 2016.
What if the insurers abandoned subrogation!
In l'Argus de l'Assurance's issue dated November 3rd, 2016, the firm published an article on the possibility for Insurers to replace the traditional subrogation by the new system of assignment of claims created by the February 10th, 2016 Order regarding the modifications of the Civil Code that entered into force on October 1st, 2016.